The ZOHI Gallery is now my new favorite place in Santa Fe. The gallery opening featured the screening of First Daugher and the Black Snake as part of the Red Nation Film Festival. The whole gallery scene is so inspirational as these young people bring their vision of an art gallery to Santa Fe. The gallery was a happening with music, dancing and fashion in the mix or art.
- Anthony Sul
- Kape Teal and Anthony Sul
- Kape Teal and Anthony Sul
- ZOHI Gallery
- ZOHI Gallery
- ZOHI Gallery co-founder Zoe Ursness
- Winona LaDuke and Rabbet Strickland
- Winona LaDuke and Rabbet Strickland
- Winona LaDuke and Myron Dewey
- ZOHI Gallery Eagle dance by Larry Yazzi
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show
- ZOHI Gallery fashion show